Mobile Devices

Configuring and Using Mobile Devices

This page will help you configure your mobile devices. If you are an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch user, take a look at the instructions for Apple Devices. If you are an Android user, take a look at the instructions for Androids. If you are a Blackberry user, we regret to inform you that Blackberries do not currently support this email platform.

Configuring iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Email setup for iOS

Configuring Android

All models of the Android smartphones vary in their capabilities and methods of getting email, calendars and other data. Because of this, there is no simple way of creating directions that could encompass the set up of your new Exchange account. If you have experience with setting up email accounts on your Android through settings listed as "Corporate Mail", "Exchange Sync" or "Active Sync", you may attempt to add your new Dartmouth Exchange account on your own. Listed below is some basic information that you may need. Otherwise, please schedule a time with DMS Computing Services to have someone quickly help you in person.

  • Your Email Address: This will be either or (based on how your name appears on your Dartmouth ID card).
  • Your User Name: This is (e.g.,
  • Server Name (If Needed):

If you are unable to configure your Android, please contact Geisel Computing for assistance.

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