Student Apps


  • Canvas Student App
    This is the app that connects to Dartmouth's Learning Management System. Just enter Dartmouth College into the institution search field. Then log in with your Dartmouth credentials to access your courses.
  • Canvas via a browser

Note Taking Apps

  • Notability
    This is a note taking app for the iPad that Medical School students prefer to use. This app works great with the Apple Pencil provided to you as part of the iPad program. Powerpoints and PDF files can be imported into Notability directly from the Canvas app or from Google Drive or One Drive.

  • Office Apps for iPad
    • OneNote (iPad or Laptop)
      Microsoft's digital "notebook" tool that is great for organizing course material and note taking. This is part of your Office 365 account at Dartmouth.
      Note to Mac Users: OneNote notebooks are not easily portable after graduation.

    • PowerPoint (iPad or Laptop)
      Links to lecture PowerPoints are usually provided within the session page on Canvas. Students can take notes in the notes field via PowerPoint.
  • Other
    Google Docs and Microsoft Word are also available to you, but do not tend to make the best note taking apps. You will need one or the other for creating written assignments for submission to Canvas. Please be aware that files submitted to Canvas should be saved as either .doc, .docx, or .pdf files.

Secure Connections/VPN

  • Global Protect (VPN)
    Used to make a secure connection to the Dartmouth network when you are off-campus. This is needed to access some systems and some of the BioMedical library resources from off-campus
  • Citrix Receiver
    Used to connect to DHMC's training portal and electronic medical record (eDH).

Related Links

Mobile Resources: Biomedical Sciences (from Biomedical Libraries at Dartmouth)

iPad apps for Med Students (list compiled by Duluth med students)