Calendars and Meeting Invitations

OASIS Academic Calendars

Academic calendars are available on OASIS. You can subscribe to the calendar feeds from OASIS on the iPad Calendar, BWA Calendar and Google Calendar.

See the OASIS Calendar Feed tutorials for more information.

Canvas Calendars

The good way to stay on top of Assignments due in Canvas is to subscribe to the Canvas Calendar Feed. You can subscribe to the calendar feeds from Canvas on the iPad Calendar, BWA Calendar and Google Calendar.

See the Canvas Calendar Feed video tutorial for more information.

Meeting Invitations from Outlook

It is likely that you will receive Meeting Invitations via your email address. When an invitation arrives in your inbox or your iPad, you just need to ‘Accept’ the meeting to add it to your personal calendar.

Note: If you are forwarding your emails to gmail, the invitation will show up in your gmail account. If you accept it in gmail, the event will be added to your gmail calendar NOT your Dartmouth calendar.

Gmail and Patient Privacy - WARNING

While patient data should always be kept in the medical records system, you cannot prevent someone from sending you an email with patient information.  Gmail refuses to sign privacy-based Business Associates agreements that are necessary given HIPAA privacy policies. For this reason, we highly discourage forwarding your email/calendar to gmail because of patient privacy issues.

Dartmouth has a Business Associates agreement with Microsoft and all emails are encrypted. We strongly advise that you use one calendar for personal use and another for professional use.