Exam Support

Students will use their laptop computers or iPads to take many of the exams in the Geisel MD program. The Year 1 and 2 courses use the ExamSoft assessment system for benchmark exams. In Years 3 and 4 the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) subject exams (clerkship shelf exams) are delivered using the NBME's web-based assessment system. Canvas, the web-based learning management system, is also used routinely for quizzing. The guides below provide details on using For quizzes and exams using these systems, Geisel Computing provides in-room technical support and can supply loaner laptops to students if the need should arise.


NBME Exams

Remote Testing Tips

External Monitor Use with Examplify and NBME Secure Browser
  • Using your laptop screen for taking exams with Examplify or the NBME Secure Browser is recommended, and external monitor use for remote exams is not supported by Geisel IT.
  • If students still wish to use an external monitor, these suggestions may help reduce issues.
    • Restart your computer before starting Examplify or the NBME Secure Browser application.
    • For Windows, set your Display Settings to one of these options:
      1. Show only on 2 (the external monitor). This is the simplest option.
      2. Extend these displays with the external monitor set to be the main display, by selecting it in the Rearrange your displays area and checking Make this my main display
    • For Mac, set your Display preferences to one of these options:
      1. In the Display Arrangement tab, set the Menu bar to be on the external monitor.
      2. Mirror Displays.


Geisel Computing Support

Geisel Computing: 603-646-5123 For issues with laptops or iPads, Dartmouth account access, or network connectivity: Geisel.Computing.Support@Dartmouth.edu To reserve a loaner laptop for an exam: Geisel.Exam.Support@Dartmouth.edu For Canvas-related issues: Geisel.Instructional.Technology@Dartmouth.edu