The first step in accessing Dartmouth College resources online is to 'claim' your Dartmouth NetID. The claiming process will verify your identity, help you set an appropriate password for your account, and connect your account to Dartmouth's "Two-Factor Authentication" (2FA) solution, Duo.
To claim your account you will need your NetID. This is the number printed on your Dartmouth ID proceeded by the letter "d" or "f". If you do not know your NetID, you can look it up.
Go to and enter your NetID. This page can also be used to RESET your password in the event that you have forgotten it. Please remember that, if you have your password stored on a device (e.g. to access your email from your mobile phone), you must remember to update the stored password on that device!
For further assistance, please email your friendly IT Support Desk.
- Central Geisel School Users, please contact the Geisel Support office (Geisel.Computing.Support@Dartmouth.EDU) or by calling 603-646-5123.
- Users in the Norris Cotton Cancer Center should email csNCCC@Dartmouth.EDU.
- Users affiliated with The Dartmouth Institute (TDI) should contact TDI.Computing@Dartmouth.EDU.