“Non-Managed” Accounts

Any user can create a Google Apps account using a valid email address.  While many people choose to create a personal GMail account, others may have chosen to use their Dartmouth.EDU email address to create a Google Apps account.  In some cases, users might have created accounts with Google before GMail was widely available - so their @dartmouth.edu email address was, indeed, their only email address.

These personal accounts linked to College email addresses now come into conflict with the new, enterprise accounts being created for College users as part of Dartmouth's G Suite rollout.

This video will help users understand the account conflict and what must be done to rectify it.


If you believe you you have, or have been informed you have, a conflicting account, this PDF will walk you through the steps needed to resolve the issue.  If you do NOT remember the password for your pre-existing Google account, this PDF will walk you through resetting the password for that account so it can be renamed.

If you have questions, please contact your local IT Support.