Offer letter should be structured on approved templates (available on the Office of Faculty Affairs site) and must be approved by Department Head, Fiscal Office, and Geisel Dean’s Office (officers as noted above) prior to being sent to candidate.
A copy of the signed offer letter for any successful hire must be sent to Geisel Dean’s Office with other necessary paperwork (e.g., DAB form).
All requests for appointments made to the Tenure-track/Tenure Line must be accompanied by a minimum of three (3) letters of recommendation from outside referees and the candidate’s curriculum vitae when submitted, as required from the Dean of Geisel to the Provost of Dartmouth College.
To expedite hires to senior ranks, search committees are strongly encouraged to request letters of reference for candidates that explicitly ask the referees to comment on whether the candidate would be considered appropriate for appointment as Associate Professor/Professor and (where applicable) whether they would be considered eligible for tenure--both at Geisel and at their own institution. In addition, for such senior hires, search committees should provide referees with the materials normally sent out for the APT review process (e.g., our APT criteria; see Appendix 5: Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Guidelines for Faculty Promotion Procedures). If letters of recommendation sent to the search committee include information required for the APT review, they may be included in the candidate’s portfolio to the APT in lieu of solicitation of additional letters once the candidate has been hired. Such letters must be dated no later than one year prior to the APT review. As such, if the necessary complements of the APT portfolio can be assembled, the review process may ensue at any time following IDE and Dean’s Office approval of the senior hire, in order to expedite informing the preferred candidate that they has been approved at all levels for such senior ranks (and, where applicable, tenure).