Subappendix D: Checklist for Geisel Faculty Searches at Dartmouth College
Subappendix D: Checklist for Geisel Faculty Searches at Dartmouth College
All requests for new hires into Tenure-track/Tenure Line or Non-tenure Line positions must be approved by the Dean of the Medical School or the Dean’s designate (The Dean of Faculty Affairs).
Department Administrators are responsible for input of search request and any supplementary materials.
The Fiscal Office will send a preliminary business plan to the departments based on long-range plan for recruitment.
Department Chair reviews/approves search request.
Fiscal Office and Dean’s Office review/approve business plan.
Geisel Dean’s Office reviews/approves search on Dashboard (search number assigned).
Search committee is approved by the Dean of Faculty Affairs at Geisel and the Dartmouth College Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity (IDE)
Ad is prepared and reviewed in conjunction with the Dean of Faculty Affairs and IDE.
EO/AA Statement: Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged. (Note: the EO/AA statement is a separate populated entry for Interfolio; it only needs to be added to ad text when that is displayed in other venues.
Dartmouth is highly committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive population of students, faculty, and staff. We are especially interested in applicants who are able to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds, including but not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, women, individuals who identify with LGBTQ+ communities, individuals with disabilities, individuals from lower income backgrounds, and/or first-generation college graduates. Applicants should state in their cover letter how their teaching, research, service, and/or life experiences prepare them to advance Dartmouth’s commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Unless otherwise approved by the Dean of Faculty Affairs and the Director of IDE, all search ads should also indicate that candidates need to submit a cover letter (see Subappendix A for specifics), curriculum vitae, research statement (not to exceed 3 pages), a teaching statement, and (depending on search) either request three (3) referees to directly provide letters of recommendation or provide list of three (3) referees to be contacted at a later phase of the search.
Director of IDE and Dean of Faculty Affairs meet with the search committee
As many of the search committee members as possible should attend this meeting in order to inform them of guidelines and necessary training for fair and equitable hiring.
Committee members will be informed that written comments on Interfolio or on résumés/CVs need to be maintained for three years and are discoverable.
Geisel School of Medicine will provide funds to place advertisements in publications of organizations selected to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Requests must be made in advance to the Office of Faculty Affairs before any ads are placed or money is spent.
The Director of IDE maintains the list of acceptable locations. Any new locations must be approved by the Dean’s Office before the ad is placed, if central funds are to be used for support of the ad.
Once a position has been approved and assigned a search number, the ad and position details can be uploaded into Interfolio.
The Department Administrator enters the new position in Interfolio.
Final approval to post is granted by the Dean’s Office.
Applications are submitted through Interfolio by the candidate.
Each Search Committee Administrator will manage the search initially through Interfolio.
The Administrator will have access to EO/AA data from applicants.
The Dean’s Office recommends not using Interfolio for comments on individual applications. Note, by law, comments on CVs/résumés must be retained for 3 years and are discoverable.
Committee is free to use/not use rating system as they prefer.
When the short list of candidates is identified, the Administrator will need to post this list on Dashboard for review and approval by IDE and the Dean’s Office.
Information must be posted to Dashboard at the following time frames (as indicated):
Round 1: to-be-interviewed candidates (when short list is made, PRIOR to inviting anyone for interviews). Requests on advancing candidates should be predicated on metrics that indicate how all candidates were ranked with respect to the expectations set out in the job ad(s), what criteria used were to rank candidates, and ways in which assessments were made (i.e., use of standardized template reviews; numerical ranking system etc.). Both the Director of IDE and Dean’s Office must approve the short list before candidates are contacted.
Round 2: returning candidates (when 2nd round invitations are made). The same information should be provided on Dashboard.
Request to hire the final candidate, cannot be made until all applicant statuses have been updated in Interfolio.
When final candidate is selected, approvals are managed again through Geisel Faculty Recruitment Dashboard:
The business plan will need to be updated, sources of funds identified, and the plan approved by the Fiscal Office and the appropriate deans.
The Department Administrator posts CVs for short-listed candidates under “Supporting Documentation” on Dashboard.
The Department Administrator submits “Request to Hire” documentation as noted above and includes a comment on why that person is the best qualified candidate.
The Department Chair reviews/approves request to hire.
IDE reviews/approves request to hire.
Geisel Dean’s Office reviews/approves request to hire, inclusive of the business plan.
Faculty Affairs Coordinator alerts IDE and Department of approval, and alerts Department to prepare offer letter via email.
Offer letter must be approved by the Department Head, Fiscal Office, and Geisel Dean’s Office.
To expedite hires to senior ranks, search committees are strongly encouraged to request letters of reference for candidates that explicitly ask the referees to comment on whether the candidate would be considered appropriate for appointment as Associate Professor/Professor and (where applicable) whether they would be considered eligible for tenure.
A copy of the signed offer letter for any successful hire must be sent to Geisel Dean’s Office with other necessary paperwork (e.g., DAB form).
All requests for appointments made to the Tenure-track/Tenure Line must be accompanied by a minimum of three (3) letters of recommendation from outside referees (unless a specific exemption is granted by the Dean for senior leadership searches that may go through a search firm) and the candidate’s curriculum vitae must be submitted to the Dean of Geisel and the Provost of Dartmouth College.