Standard Appointment Terms

1. One (1)-year terms, which may be renewed, will be provided to individuals approved for appointment as

Adjunct Faculty Line

Instructors (House Staff for D-H; DC-paid; Per Diems, Locums, Moonlighters, Chief Residents)

Lecturers (DC-paid)

Research Associates (DC-paid; D-H/VA-paid)

Research Fellows (Fellow appointments reserved for those on T32s/NRSAs; DC-paid)

Clinical Fellows (Fellow appointments reserved for those on T32s/NRSAs; D-H/VA-paid)

Research Scientists (all levels)

Retired, DC-paid Faculty (e.g., but not limited to active Emerit)

2. Two (2)-year terms, may be renewed, provided for individuals approved for faculty appointment in the

Clinical Faculty Line

Honorary Faculty Line

3. Three (3)-year terms, may be renewed (some restrictions for tenure-track faculty) provided for faculty at the rank of

Assistant Professors

Instructors who are associate providers or physicians who are not in categories noted for 1-year appointments

4. Six (6)-year terms, may be renewed, provided for individuals approved for appointment as

Associate Professors*


    *Initial appointment is for one year. Once the APT committee approves the appointment, it will be extended to the full six-year term.

5. No term end date

Professors Emeriti/ae (non-active status)

Professors with Tenure

6. Special term dates

Visiting Faculty/Scientists:  Visiting Faculty/Scientist titles will rarely be granted for a period of time less than 10 weeks and are limited to a single term of one-year term. In only a limited number of cases will an appointment as Visiting Faculty/Scientist be extended for more than one one-year term.