Effective Date: 6/1/15
Office with Primary Responsibility: Geisel Dean’s Office
Office with Secondary Responsibility: Human Resources
Members of the faculty of Geisel School of Medicine who are employees of Dartmouth College and who:
- have completed the Flexible Retirement Option (FRO);
- or have been granted emerit status by the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College;
- or have retired (without FRO or emerit standing);
- or, in limited cases, faculty who retire from D-H or the WRJVAMC
may wish to maintain active and DC-paid participation with the academic missions of the Medical School, and in many cases the Medical School both welcomes and is greatly appreciative of this continued involvement. This policy outlines the provision under which faculty members who meet the criteria above and are approved by the Dean for a continued active role may remain on the active/paid faculty of Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.
Dartmouth College permits those who have completed retirement or who have transitioned to emerit status to remain active on the faculty of the Geisel School of Medicine under the following conditions:
- Appointments are granted on an annual basis and must be approved by the Dean in recognition that continued activities support the ongoing missions of the Medical School. Prior appointments to the active faculty for those who are post-FRO and/or emerit does not commit the school to continuing reappointments if the activities of the faculty member are no longer consistent with the goals and missions of the Medical School as determined by the Dean.
- The Medical School is not obligated to support retired or active emerit faculty members with salaries comparable to those they held prior to retirement as the faculty member’s responsibilities and therefore the school’s obligations to the faculty member are not equivalent past retirement (although the Dean may choose to do so).
- Individuals who are post-FRO, emerit or otherwise retired will not receive salary support from internal sources (e.g., subvention, reserves) unless there have been agreements reached by the Chair of the sponsoring department and the Dean of the Medical School that the activities in which the faculty member is engaged warrant such support. Any agreements involving the use of internal funds (e.g., subvention, reserves, inclusive of use of such funds for non-compensation support of programs following retirement must be approved on an annual basis at the time of reappointment.
- Unless there are agreements indicating that the Dean has approved compensation support or other use of internal sources, faculty members who are post-FRO, emerit or otherwise retired must derive all compensation and for their programs from qualified sources. Fractional FTE must also be commensurate with the level of compensation the faculty member is able to obtain from such sources.
- Retired faculty members provided with active status must comply with provisions outlined in the Criteria for Principal Investigator Status with respect to proposal submissions for grants/contracts.
- Faculty members who were employees of Dartmouth College, who have made the transition to a retired status, and have begun to draw on retiree health benefits may not have active status at an FTE >5.
- If approved by the Dean of the Medical School and the Chief Human Resources Officer at Dartmouth College, appointment of a retired (former Dartmouth College employee) member of the faculty back to active status (>5 FTE) may be granted if the following criteria are met:
- that appointment to active status for a faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor the Tenure-track/Tenure Line must occur following a national search or a waiver from a national search;
- that the faculty member acknowledges in writing:
- that they relinquish all accrued retiree health benefits;
- that appointment to an active status will establish benefits commensurate with a new hire at the time of this transition.
- As noted in the body of this document, unless explicitly approved by the Dean, these appointments are non-voting. In a small number of cases, when approved by the Dean or their designee, individuals who hold these titles may be given limited voting privileges (e.g., if they serve on the Faculty Council or the Medical Education Committee). Individuals in these lines are not voting members of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College.
- As with all members of the faculty members of Geisel School of Medicine, post-FRO, emerit or otherwise members are expected to comply with all policies specific to members of the School of Medicine and, where relevant Geisel’s chief academic partners (e.g., D-H and the WRJ-VAMC).