Faculty Titles:
A. Voting Faculty Lines
- Investigator-Scholar Track
- Educator-Scholar Track
- Lecturer Track
- Research-Intensive Track
- Education-Intensive Track
Faculty members employed at >0.5 FTE in the Tenure-track/Tenure Line have voting rights as members of the Faculty of the Geisel School of Medicine and of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College.
B. Limited Voting Faculty Lines
3. Academic Medical System (AMS) Faculty Line:
- Traditional Track
- Investigator-Scholar Track
- Clinician-Scholar Track
Faculty members in the AMS Line (> 0.5 FTE) are voting members of the faculty of the Geisel School of Medicine and may be voting members on Dartmouth College committees where they are selected by the Dean to serve as representatives of the Medical School (e.g., the Committee on Conflict of Interest or the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects), but are not voting members of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College.
C. Restricted and Non-voting Faculty Lines
8. Visiting Faculty (or Scientist) Line
Unless explicitly approved by the Dean, all other appointments as noted above are non-voting. In a small number of cases, when approved by the Dean or their designee, individuals who hold these titles may be given limited voting privileges (e.g., if they serve on the Faculty Council or the Medical Education Committee). Individuals in these lines are not voting members of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College.
Secondary, Tertiary, Joint and Non-Dartmouth Appointments
All faculty members must hold a primary appointment with a recognized department/institute of the Geisel School of Medicine. Unless otherwise specified, the primary department holds responsibility for the financial, academic, and professional oversight of its faculty members. In some cases institutes that do not hold the ability to grant faculty titles (e.g., the Dartmouth Cancer Center), when approved by the Dean, may share in financial oversight/responsibility for specific faculty members.
Faculty members who make substantive contributions to departments outside of their primary departments may be awarded secondary and tertiary affiliations. Such secondary and tertiary affiliations will be made upon agreement by the Chair of each participating department and the Dean.
As contributions to non-primary departments may change over time, such secondary and tertiary affiliations may be changed (with different activities) or eliminated if the faculty member no longer has responsibilities to that department. The Geisel School of Medicine does not recognize more than three departmental affiliations within Geisel.
If the Chair of a secondary or tertiary department does not wish to reappoint a faculty member, they must inform the Chair of the primary department that their sponsorship has been revoked. In the absence of such active action to end an additional affiliation, reappointment by the primary Chair will automatically assume continued sponsorship of reappointed faculty members in these secondary/tertiary roles and any obligations therein.
Faculty members at Geisel may also hold adjunct affiliations with other schools at Dartmouth (i.e., Arts & Sciences, Tuck or Thayer) or other institutions, and in a very limited number of cases, faculty members may have true joint (non-adjunct) appointments across more than one school at Dartmouth. In these cases, financial and academic responsibility for the faculty member will be memorialized in writing and agreed upon by the faculty member themselves, the appropriate Chairs, and the appropriate Deans of the participating schools at Dartmouth.
As is policy more broadly at Dartmouth, individuals who hold full time faculty appointments at Geisel, unless otherwise approved by the Dean, may not hold non-adjunct faculty appointments at other institutions. Moreover, as with Dartmouth more broadly, an individual holding a tenured position at another institution will be expected to resign that position when accepting one at Dartmouth College and with all but very rare exceptions (to be approved by the Dean and the Provost), an individual will be expected to resign a Dartmouth tenured position if one is accepted elsewhere.
Faculty members who are appointed as adjunct faculty for a given term in order to teach a course in A&S, Tuck, or Thayer that is cross-listed at Geisel (or in which Geisel students enroll) will be provided with a corresponding single term appointment that will begin and end concurrent with their primary adjunct responsibility.
1. Distinguished Fellow
2. Research Associate
3. Research Associate - Clinical
4. Research Fellow
5. Research Scientist/Engineer/Analyst