Max Foisey

Current Position:

  • Graduate Student in the Biomedical Sciences PhD Program, University of California San Francisco
  • NH-INBRE Alumni Advisory Board Member and Student Mentor

INBRE Project(s):

  • PD-L1 expression as potential therapeutic target in inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancers, Preclinical evaluation of CDK7 inhibition as a novel treatment for inflammatory breast cancer
    Advisors: Professor Steven N. Fiering & Hugo Arias-Pulido, Dartmouth College
  • Risk factors associated with outcome in inflammatory breast cancer. The Experience at the Pierre et Marie Curie Cancer Center in Algiers, Algeria
    Advisors: Professor Steven N. Fiering & Hugo Arias-Pulido, Dartmouth College

Previous Positions (post-INBRE):

  • Laboratory Technician, Fiering Lab at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
  • Research Associate, Intellia Therapeutics
  • Senior Research Associate, Intellia Therapeutics

How did working with NH-INBRE help you?

  • I came into the NH-INBRE program as an undergraduate with no research experience and a broad interest in biomedical research. NH-INBRE provided me with the resources to build a network, opportunities to explore many fields within biomedical research and the time to find a field where I could pursue my curiosities. I left NH-INBRE with a robust technical skill set, a strong network of peers, mentors and friends and invaluable experiences that I can call on to inform decisions about my career moving forward. Through my relationship with NH-INBRE alum Casey Kimball, I was able to prepare for and get an interview with Intellia Therapeutics, which led to a job right out of college. Working in the private sector was a great experience and helped me refine my career goals. This work also improved my resume and strengthened my graduate school applications, thereby further enhancing my career goals. Having had such an impactful experience as a student in the NH-INBRE programs I am excited to take on a leadership role and looking forward to continuing to work with the NH-INBRE group.