Interview Guidance

Employers use interviews to determine whether you are capable of doing the work and whether you are a good fit for the organization. When preparing for an interview, make sure you learn as much as you can about the organization and the position you are applying for. Think about why you are qualified for and the right person for the job. Ask your NH-INBRE mentor to practice your interview with him or her. Regardless of the job you are applying for, make sure to do the following:

  • If you know who is going to be on the interview, look up their LinkedIn profiles. Learn as much as you can about their experience, education and interests.
  • Make sure you have questions about the company and about the position. This demonstrates that you have done your homework and that you have a curious mind. Not having questions tells the interviewer that you are not really interested in or serious about the job.
  • Be on time for the interview. Allow yourself an extra margin of time to make sure you are not late.
  • Bring copies of your résumé and a pen and notepad so that you can write down questions, follow-up items, or things you learn and want to remember.
  • Dress well and be well-groomed. Your NH-INBRE mentor can help you decide how to dress.
  • Stand up and sit up straight.
  • Speak clearly and not too quickly.
  • Look the person you were speaking to in the eye.
  • If there is more than one person in the interview, make sure to focus your attention on each person as you speak so that no one in the room feels left out.
  • Don’t be on your cell phone during any interview. Best is just to turn off your cell phone while you are on the company’s premises.
  • After the interview send an email to anyone involved in the interview to thank them and reiterate your interest in the position.