Research compliance encompasses a wide variety of areas including human subjects in research, use of animals, financial management of sponsored projects, conflicts of interest, misconduct in research, authorship decisions, mentoring, and access to and retention of data. Research compliance is a collaboration of College and University faculty, staff, and students — offices, departments, and programs — to ensure the integrity of research and instruction. As a resource for NH-INBRE partners each of the following topics have individual pages with information and references to assist in the development of research compliance programs.
Compliance Topics
- Research Ethics
- Financial Conflict of Interest
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Research Misconduct
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Biological Safety
- Laboratory Safety
- Radiation Safety
- Export Controls
- Intellectual Property
Compliance Questions and Outreach
Please contact Nancy Wray (, NH-INBRE Compliance Director, with any questions.