Funding Opportunities

NH-INBRE Funding Opportunities


NH-INBRE Research and Pilot Grants:

Partner faculty may submit requests for support for projects in which they commit 50% effort (Research Project, RP) or 25% effort (Pilot Project, PP).  Both types of projects can be collaborative and are called Collaborative Research Projects (CRP, 50% effort by the PI) or Collaborative Pilot Projects (CPP; 25% effort by the PI). Collaborative projects must have a single PI from an NH-INBRE PUI partner and one Co-Investigator from a different PUI or one of the lead institutions.

NH-INBRE FOA  - Part 1

NH-INBRE Funded PI Expectations

NH-INBRE Seed Grant: to provide 1-year of funding (potentially renewable) to test new research idea(s) – entirely original areas of investigation for the investigator or a substantially new extension of previous work.

Proof-of-principle experimentation is one particularly relevant type of overall approach but other approaches may be responsive.  Preliminary data are not required for a competitive submission.

NH-INBRE SEED Grant Application - Due March 1, 2025


NH-INBRE Targeted Incentive Grant: to expedite submission of-

  • A) Manuscripts (especially data driven; reviews will be considered; however not letters to the editor, etc)
  • B) New/ Revised Grant Applications to national funding sources (NIH, NSF, and/or foundations)

For PIs with research results that are far enough along that additional experimentation and writing will reach submission by no later than:  papers: 6 months; grants: 9 months from TIG submission date

NH INBRE Targeted Grant APPLICATION - Rolling application


To assist our NH-INBRE partners, we have compiled a list of some resources primarily for biomedical research funding. Please work with your institution for grant proposal submissions.


Federal Biomedical Research Funding

NIH Weekly Guide for 1-17-25: A weekly list of NIH program announcements and requests for applications.

NSF Bulletin: A list of NSF funding opportunities

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP): The office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) in the Department of Defense manages Congressional Special Interest Medical Research Programs (CSI) encompassing breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers, neurofibromatosis, military health, and other specified areas. A common website for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply to them.

Private Biomedical Research Funding

Simmons Foundation - Mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences, autism research, outreach and education
Dana Foundation - Brain research
Rockefeller Foundation – advance health, revalue ecosystems, secure livelihoods, and transform cities
W.M. Keck Foundation – science, engineering, medical research, and undergraduate education
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation – education, environment, global development and population
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation – environmental conservation, patient care and science
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) – health and health care
David and Lucile Packard Foundation – improving the lives of children, science, reproductive health, and conservation
The Kavli Foundation – astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience and theoretical physics
The Welcome Trust - Science, culture and society, innovations, strategy
The Whitehall Foundation: The Whitehall Foundation, through its program of grants and grants-in-aid, assists scholarly research in the life sciences. It is the Foundation's policy to assist those dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily supported by federal agencies or other foundations with specialized missions.
Thermo Fisher Scientific - has created Oncomine Solutions as an integrated next-generation sequencing-based approach for oncology labs. The Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program supports education projects & investigator-initiated studies (IIS) on molecular testing in reproductive health & oncology. The goal of the grant program is to increase high quality molecular profiling for patients and to improve future clinical outcomes.


For more information, please contact your grants office.