2022 Geisel Poster Night Research Award Winning Presentations
Congraulations to all of the students who participated in the annual Geisel Poster night. There were over 60 posters presented. Below are the four selected for awards:
Most Outstanding Foundational Research Poster: Chiamaka Okorie “CRISPR Gene Editing: I Vitro Cell Modelling of Darier's Disease”
Most Outstanding DEI Research Poster: Allison Booher “Integral Justice: Case Representations of Race and Health Equity in a First Year Medical Curriculum”
Most Outstanding Medical Education Research Poster: Helen Thomason “Evaluating Evaluations: an investigation into how medical schools evaluate pre-clinical courses and faculty using student feedback”
Most Outstanding Clinical Research Poster: Thomas Alvermann “Development of an Implantable Urinary Bladder Voiding Device for Soldiers with Spinal Cord Injuries”