A new program pairs first- and second-year students from the Geisel School of Medicine with patients at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center—for the benefit of both.
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Nine Students at Geisel School of Medicine Named New Hampshire-Vermont Schweitzer Fellows
Congratulations to the nine students at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth selected as 2014-2015 New Hampshire-Vermont Schweitzer Fellows by the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, named for the famous physician-humanitarian.
Dartmouth Chosen to Play Key Role in NCI Clinical Trials Network
Dartmouth will serve as a Lead Academic Participating Site in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) new National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN), which is intended to improve the speed and efficiency of conducting cancer clinical trials.
False-Positive Mammogram Anxiety has Limited Impact on Women’s Well-Being
Dartmouth researchers have found that the anxiety experienced with a false-positive mammogram is temporary and does not negatively impact a woman’s overall well-being.
Medicare’s Flawed Adjustment Methodology Poor Way to Spend Billions
The methodology Medicare uses to adjust the billions of dollars it pays health plans and hospitals to account for how sick their patients are is flawed and should be replaced, according to a new study by Dartmouth investigators published in the journal BMJ that weighed the performance of Medicare’s methodology against alternatives.
Walk the Global Talk: Taking Action on Health Inequities
Address health inequities wherever they occur. That focus is key to the mission of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. In this video, Lisa Adams, MD, associate dean for global health at Geisel, speaks about the medical school’s commitment to underserved communities and its role in an increasingly interconnected world.
Lisa Adams: Building Geisel’s Global Connections
As a field of study, global health didn’t exist when Lisa V. Adams, MD ’90, was a Dartmouth medical student. After finding her own path, she is now using her more than 20 years of global health experience to help students coordinate international service-learning experiences through Geisel School of Medicine’s Center for Health Equity.
An Easier, Safer, and More Accurate Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Using CT scans with contrast enhancement, Dartmouth researchers measured treatment response to pancreatic cancerphotodynamic therapy (PDT) according to a paper published in Physics in Medicine and Biology.
Fast Food Giants’ Ads for Healthier Kids Meals Don’t Send the Right Message
Fast food giants attempts at depicting healthier kids’ meals frequently goes unnoticed by children ages 3 to 7 years old according to a new study by Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
It’s a (Residency) Match!
At the much-anticipated annual Match Day event, 87 students at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine learned where they will pursue their next three to seven years of residency training after graduation. Nationally, more than 17,000 graduating U.S. allopathic medical school seniors and 16,000 others participated in this year’s match program.