In the News

Scientists Are Collecting Pee From SpaceX Travelers. There’s a Good Reason. – Mashable

Read article – Jay Buckey, a professor of medicine, and Mimi Lan, Thayer ’24, are featured in an article about being part of the team of researchers monitoring the health of astronauts on the Polaris Dawn mission. Their device collects the astronauts’ urine to track bone loss and to monitor whether a space traveler is at risk for developing kidney stones.

Dartmouth Studies Health of Polaris Dawn Crew (Video) – WMUR

Watch video – Former astronaut Jay Buckey, a professor of medicine, is featured in a segment about being part of the team of researchers monitoring the health of astronauts on the Polaris Dawn mission that launched this week. “The worst case would be to have a kidney stone in space that doesn’t pass,” Buckey said. “So, it’s really important to just try and keep it from forming in the first place.”

Breast Density and Mammograms: New FDA Rule Will Ensure All Women Have More Information After Cancer Screenings – The Conversation

Read article – Christine M. Gunn, an assistant professor of the Dartmouth Institute, co-authors an opinion piece about the new FDA rule requiring mammography facilities to notify patients about their breast density. “While evidence is clear that regular mammograms save lives, additional testing such as ultrasound, MRI or contrast-enhanced mammography may be warranted for women with dense breasts,” Gunn writes.

The Healing Power of Music – The Pulse (Audio) – NPR

Read article – Barbara C. Jobst, the chair and a professor of neurology, is featured in a segment about the healing power and influence of music. “We need to be careful with such claims that it is treating epilepsy, when we have shown it reduces abnormal potentials in the brain,” Jobst said. “It doesn’t mean you have less seizures, it doesn’t mean it cures your epilepsy, it just means you have less of those abnormal potentials in the brain, and that’s probably good.”

Why This Ivy’s Top-Ranked Business & Medical Schools Are Partnering on a New Master’s Degree – Poets&Quants

Read article – Katherine Milligan, associate dean for Dartmouth’s health care management education, is quoted in an article about Dartmouth’s new master of health administration. The new degree is a partnership between Geisel School of Medicine and Tuck School of Business. “There’s no one else in the country that partners the way that we’re partnered,” Milligan said.