In the News

High Seafood Diets May Come With a Hefty Side of ‘Forever Chemicals’: Study – The Hill

Read article – Megan Romano, an associate professor of epidemiology, is featured in an article about her research into the exposure to forever chemicals in a high seafood diet. “Understanding this risk-benefit trade-off for seafood consumption is important for people making decisions about diet, especially for vulnerable populations such as pregnant people and children,” Romano said.

New Englanders, With Their Love of Seafood, May Be at Higher Risk for PFAS Exposure – CT Public Radio

Read article – Quotes Megan Romano, an associate professor of epidemiology, in a feature story about her study that found higher consumption of seafood is linked to a higher risk of PFAS exposure. “Basically, New Hampshire is a kind of case study that quantifies seafood consumption, particularly in a New England state, in order to estimate the potential risk of PFAS exposure that may come from very frequently consuming marine seafood,” said Romano. (Picked up by NHPR.)

Dartmouth Symposium Highlights AI’s Innovations in Medicine (Video) – WCAX

Watch video – Saeed Hassanpour, a professor of biomedical data science, is featured in a segment about a first-of-its-kind symposium held this week at Dartmouth that explored the potential benefits and pitfalls of artificial intelligence in healthcare. “It’s actually going to improve efficiency, going to reduce health care costs. It is going to improve the accuracy,” Hassanpour said.

Study Finds Treating Self-Neglect Among Older Adults Can Prevent Later Abuse – The Maine Monitor

Read article – Features a study led by Stuart Lewis, associate professor of medicine, that found that older adults who neglect themselves often experience other mistreatment at the same time and are at risk of further abuse. “Self-neglect is a huge unmet need in elder mistreatment,” Lewis said. “It has been, historically, a very difficult circumstance to intervene in ways that provide benefit to the person.”

Childhood Cigarette Smoking Heightens COPD Risk in Adulthood – Healio

Read article – James Sargent, a professor of pediatrics, biomedical data science, and community and family medicine, is featured in an article about his research into how the risk of COPD rises with regular cigarette smoking in childhood. “In this sample, the developmental window for increased risk due to childhood smoking ended at about age 20 years, which coincides with the time (FEV1) reaches its peak during adolescence,” Sargent said.

De-escalating Therapy for HPV-Associated Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Medscape

Read article – Philip Schaner, an associate professor of medicine, is quoted in an article about de-escalating treatment for HPV-associated oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma. “The optimal combination of de-intensification of radiation dose with or without systemic therapy, and the extent to which treatment attenuation can be safely diminished for different pathologic risk factors, remains unclear,” Schaner said.

Bacteroides Gut Bacteria May Ease Inflammation in CF Lungs – Cystic Fibrosis News Today

Read article – George O’Toole, a professor of microbiology and immunology and an adjunct professor of biological sciences, is featured in an article about his research into how bacteroides in the gut bacteria may ease symptoms for cystic fibrosis patients. “We think this establishes the idea that changes in the gut are causing a reprogramming of the immune system in such a way that the body isn’t as sensitive to subsequent airway infections, so you don’t have as much disease burden,” O’Toole said.