NPR – NPR’s Shots reports that new government data revealing how much Medicare pays physicians “could replicate on the physician level what the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care has been doing for decades in showing variances in Medicare’s hospital spending.”
Articles by: Geisel Communications
Small Slice of Doctors Account for Big Chunk of Medicare Costs
The Wall Street Journal – Quotes Elliott Fisher on a new government report that reveals physician billing practices. Fisher is director of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and the James W. Squire Professor of Medicine and Community and Family Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine.
Small Slice of Doctors Account for Big Chunk of Medicare Costs
The Wall Street Journal – Quotes Elliott Fisher on a new government report that reveals physician billing practices.
Why Listening to Rap Music Drives Teenagers to Drink
Daily Mail – An extensive story on a study led by James Sargent and researchers at Pittsburgh University’s School of Medicine that found binge drinking by teenagers and young adults is strongly connected to listening to music that references branded alcohol. Sargent is a professor of pediatrics, of community and family medicine, of TDI, and a co-director of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Tobacco Marketing Reaches 1 in 10 Teens and 1 in 4 Young Adults
ANI via Business Standard – A story on a study led by Samir Soneji that discovered increased tobacco use in young adults is linked to exposure to direct marketing of tobacco products. Soneji is an assistant professor of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.
Walk the Global Talk: Taking Action on Health Inequities
Address health inequities wherever they occur. That focus is key to the mission of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. In this video, Lisa Adams, MD, associate dean for global health at Geisel, speaks about the medical school’s commitment to underserved communities and its role in an increasingly interconnected world.
An Easier, Safer, and More Accurate Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Using CT scans with contrast enhancement, Dartmouth researchers measured treatment response to pancreatic cancerphotodynamic therapy (PDT) according to a paper published in Physics in Medicine and Biology.
Dartmouth Doctors, Engineers Find Breast Cancer Surgery Breakthrough
New Hampshire Union Leader– A story on a study led by researchers at the Geisel School of Medicine, the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, and Thayer School of Engineering that found a new technique to detect small breast cancer tumors during surgery.
The 28 Top U.S. Shoulder Surgeons
Orthopedics This Week – John-Erik Bell, an orthopedic surgeon at DHMC and an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery and of The Dartmouth Institute, has been named one of the top shoulder surgeons in the U.S.
Match Day Exciting for Many Dartmouth Medical Students
WMUR – On Friday, 87 Geisel students found out where they would be beginning their medical residencies, WMUR reports.