Geisel Professor George O’Toole Named Editor-In-Chief of The Journal of Bacteriology

The American Society for Microbiology has named George O’Toole, PhD, The Elmer R. Pfefferkorn, Ph.D. Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Geisel, as editor-in-chief of The Journal of Bacteriology (JB) effective July 1, 2021. At more than 100 years old, JB is first microbiology journal in the country.

George O’Toole, PhD (Photo by Rob Strong)

“It is a real honor to be chosen as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Bacteriology—I published my first journal article in JB as a PhD student,” O’Toole says. “I look forward to helping the journal further expand its niche within the scientific publishing community, actively enhancing diversity within the editors and editorial board, identifying early-career scientists to foster their connections to JB, and supporting society publishing.”

O’Toole studies the surface-attached microbial communities known as biofilms and how they form on both living and non-living surfaces—they can be found in medical, industrial and natural settings.

One of the largest professional societies dedicated to the life sciences and composed of 30,000 scientists and health practitioners, the American Society for Microbiology’s mission is to promote and advance the microbial sciences.