Influenced by her deep Upper Valley roots, Catherine Gordon understands the connection between geography and population health—an interconnection she thinks will help explain the challenges facing her future patients.
Post Tagged with: "population health"
Student Spotlight – Kristen Delwiche: Thinking beyond the individual
First-year Geisel student Kristen Delwiche chose a career in medicine because she wants both the depth of understanding and the flexibility to heal on an individual and a population level.
Samir Soneji: Forecasting Population Health
In this Q&A, TDI demographer Samir Soneji, PhD discusses how demographers are able to predict how changes in population affect public policy by forecasting future disease and mortality rates.
Medicare’s Flawed Adjustment Methodology Poor Way to Spend Billions
The methodology Medicare uses to adjust the billions of dollars it pays health plans and hospitals to account for how sick their patients are is flawed and should be replaced, according to a new study by Dartmouth investigators published in the journal BMJ that weighed the performance of Medicare’s methodology against alternatives.
Skating to the Puck or Avoiding the Penalty Box in Health Care?
In a Viewpoint published in the March issue of JAMA, Dartmouth researchers question whether the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ use of financial penalties is the right tack for changing the behavior of hospitals.
Telemedicine Can Reduce Hospitalizations For Nursing Home Residents
Telemedicine used at nursing homes during hours when doctors are not typically present is a viable way to reduce avoidable hospitalizations, according to research published in February’s issue of Health Affairs.
New Analysis Shows Fewer Years of Life Lost to Cancer
A new statistical approach to measuring the cancer burden in the United States reveals decades of progress in fighting cancer, progress previously masked by the falling death rates of other diseases.
Ellen Meara, PhD: Hope for Ignored Populations—the Massachusetts Example
Ellen Meara, Associate Professor at Geisel’s Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, discusses her study of the Massachusetts health care reform experience and how research has shed light on populations that have been ignored in the past.