Archive for 2015

A Life: Peter “Pano” Rodis, 1959-2014: ‘He Wanted to Know That Everyone Was Being Treated Right’

Valley News – A feature on the late Peter Rodis, and his contributions to Geisel and the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. The article reports that Rodis’s goal was to invigorate the two institutions’ practice of what he and other advocates called “compassionate care,” and quotes colleagues and family members on his life, character, and work.

Medical Costs Rise as Retirees Winter in Florida

The New York Times – Quotes Elliot Fisher, director of Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, and mentions research by the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, which showed that the number of tests and imaging studies received by Florida Medicare patients in the last two years of life, with the exception of the panhandle, were far above the national average.

Are Super Bowl beer ads a bad idea?

Are Super Bowl beer ads a bad idea?

In an opinion piece at, Dr. James D. Sargent, theStuart Professor of Pediatric Oncology, says that parents should approach ads for alcoholic beverages with great caution in light of a new study led by Dr. Sargent and his colleagues, which showed that youths’ exposure to alcohol advertisements influenced their drinking behaviors.