Directions and Parking

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From I-89 take Exit 18 (Dartmouth College/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center sign) and drive East on route 120. At the 3rd set of lights after the intersection, turn left, follow road to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.
Immune Monitoring and Flow Cytometry Lab (722 Rubin building) NCCC, Lebanon
If you enter the hospital building through its main entrance, turn right at the rotunda information desk, walk along the glass corridor, turn left into the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and take the elevator to the 7th floor. Turn left out of the elevator, through the double doors (locked after 6pm), then first left and along the corridor to the Immune Monitoring Lab.
Flow Cytometry Lab (243 Remsen building) Hanover
If you enter Remsen building through its main entrance, take the elevator to the 5th floor.  Turn right out of the elevator, through the double doors, and take the second door on the left - Remsen 524B (part of the Bliska Lab).  Ask Gary Ward for the door code.

Parking If you are a visitor from outside the Dartmouth community, you can park in the Hospital visitors' parking lot or the parking garage.  If you are visiting Remsen you will need to purchase a parking permit on-line from Dartmouth Transportation (