Konstantin Dragnev, MD, a practicing oncologist at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center and a translational scientist, has been named the Irene Heinz Given Professor in Pharmacology.
Post Tagged with: "translational research"
2017 Scholars Program – Availability of Funding Announcement
SYNERGY announces the 2017 SYNERGY Scholars Award, an ongoing Mentored Career Development Program modeled on the NIH KL2 Scholars Program. This opportunity combines didactic training, mentoring, exposure to multidisciplinary research, and ongoing evaluation to prepare junior investigators for careers in Clinical and Translational Research.
Building a Common IRB Platform for Advancing Research
Led by Alan I. Green, MD, a team of scientists at Dartmouth SYNERGY Clinical and Translational Science Institute and Geisel’s department of Biomedical Data Science are helping to lead a national effort to centralize IRB (institutional review board) review for clinical research among the NIH’s 64 CTSA research centers.
At the Intersection of Science, Health Care, and Technology: The Center for Surgical Innovation
A unique facility for both patient care and translational research, the new Center for Surgical Innovation at Dartmouth-Hitchcock combines interoperative imaging capabilities that give surgeons unprecedented ability to see, in real time, the tissue and organs involved in procedures.
The Williamson Translational Research Building Takes Shape
Scheduled to be completed in the late summer of 2015, the Geisel School of Medicine’s Williamson Translational Research Building will accelerate the movement of discoveries from research labs into patient care. Check out this photo gallery to see how the building is taking shape.
Dartmouth SYNERGY Offers a Big Boost to Clinical Research
Dartmouth SYNERGY, the Dartmouth Clinical and Translational Science Institute, is helping junior biomedical researchers take their research findings and leverage them into new treatments for patients through a huge range of research tools and clinical research support.
Dartmouth SYNERGY: An Overview
A key mission of Dartmouth SYNERGY, the Dartmouth Clinical and Translational Science Institute, is to foster discovery and innovation in translational and clinical research.