More than $12 million over five years has been awarded for research collaboration to more precisely determine lung cancer risk and improve screening.
Post Tagged with: "Chris Amos"
Largest Genome-Wide Study of Lung Cancer Susceptibility Identifies New Causes
Large study co-led by Geisel professor Christopher Amos, PhD, identified several new variants for lung cancer risk that will translate into improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in lung cancer risk.
Community-Wide Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs Associated with Reductions in Hospitalizations, Deaths, Over 40-Year Period
In a rural Maine county, sustained, community-wide programs targeting cardiovascular risk factors and behavior changes were associated with reductions in hospitalization and death rates over a 40-year period (1970-2010) compared with the rest of the state.
Geisel School of Medicine Adds New Departments to Enhance Research and Education Mission
The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth has announced the addition of two new basic science departments, Biomedical Data Science and Epidemiology.
Dartmouth Faculty, Alumni Discuss Advances in Life-Threatening Diseases
Faculty and alumni of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth will discuss recent advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic and life-threatening diseases in a medical education session on Friday, September 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.