Dartmouth researchers at its Norris Cotton Cancer Center have compiled a review of the role that information gathered through genetic testing plays in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Latest News
Charting a Course for Better Health Care
Delivering the right amount of service at a reasonable cost. “That’s the essence of the Dartmouth Atlas,” says Dick Fleming (D’53), “and what attracted me to learn more about it and to support it. I appreciate knowing that my gift will make a tangible contribution.”
Dartmouth and Aeras Join Forces to Conduct Study of New Tuberculosis Vaccine
Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Aeras, a global nonprofit biotech, announced a collaboration to jointly conduct a trial of a new vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
Formal Attire Required
Every year, the Medical School welcomes students to the profession in the White Coat Ceremony. In an increasingly informal age, what does it mean to wear a white coat? Geisel students and faculty talk about the history of the ceremony and what it means to them.
Building a Strong Foundation
Leadership is not something people are born with, says Dean Chip Souba. It’s a skill—one that the Medical School is working to ensure every graduate has.
Honoring Wennberg and Supporting Future Pioneers
To honor Dr. John Wennberg and further the pioneering work of The Dartmouth Institute, Dartmouth College will establish the John E. Wennberg Distinguished Professorship.
Giving Back, Paying Forward
Giving in support of student scholarships feels good. Dr. Norman Payson (’73) can attest to that. The Geisel alumnus and his wife, Melinda, recently made a $1 million gift that brings their total giving to scholarships at Geisel to $3.5 million.
Student Spotlight: Kristen Jogerst (’16)
As an adventure-loving college student in Iowa, Kristen Jogerst knew she wanted to do three things with her life. As a second-year medical student, she’s well on her way to accomplishing all three.
Good Neighbors
Geisel medical students and faculty help keep the Good Neighbor Health Clinic running, enabling local residents to obtain primary care.
Student Success: The Fundamental Geisel Mission
Meeting the Medical School’s educational mission requires more than exceptional opportunities in classrooms, clinics, and labs.