On Tuesday morning, Susan Dentzer D ’77, president and CEO of the Network for Excellence in Health Innovation, and a member of Geisel’s Board of Overseers, gave an informative presentation at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center to Geisel fourth-year medical students, faculty and Dartmouth-Hitchcock staff entitled, “Not Dead Yet: Policy Lessons from the Effort to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”
Articles by: Timothy Dean
Student Spotlight: Marcel Brown ’21 – Getting to the Heart of the Matter
First-year Geisel student Marcel Brown chose a career in medicine because it will allow him to combine his strong interests in science and in working with people. “I saw the small size of Dartmouth and Geisel as a great asset, one that would promote a lot of meaningful collaboration,” he says.
Tsongalis Receives Prestigious National Leadership Award
Gregory Tsongalis, PhD, a professor of pathology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and director of the Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Norris Cotton Cancer Center, has received the Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award from the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP).
Dartmouth Study Provides New Insights into Genetic Mutations in Autism
A new study by Geisel researchers, which appears in the journal Biological Psychiatry, is shedding new light into the neurobiological basis of autism spectrum disorders.
James Bliska to Lead Dartmouth Cystic Fibrosis Research Cluster
Noted molecular biologist James Bliska, PhD, is joining the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth as a Distinguished Professor in Microbiology and Immunology and senior lead faculty member of the Personalized Treatments for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Cluster, a cross-Dartmouth group of investigators established to develop innovative, personalized medicine and treatments for CF and lung infections caused by opportunistic pathogens.
Geisel Graduate Students Selected for Entrepreneurs’ Fellowship Program
Two outstanding graduate student researchers at the Geisel School of Medicine, Heidi Chapman and Riley Hampsch, are gaining knowledge and skills in the biotechnology sector as recipients of 2017 Dartmouth SYNERGY/Celdara Medical High-Potential Entrepreneurs’ Fellowships.
Student Spotlight – Meghan Bullock ’20: Changing Lanes
Experiences such as working as a volunteer on medical mission trips to Honduras and practicing as an oncology nurse in Arizona helped Meghan Bullock ’20 decide that medical school was the right path for her.
Road to Geisel: Class of ’21, Part 2
Meet some of the members of the Geisel School of Medicine’s Class of 2021—KC Collier, Tianrae Chu, and Allie Morgan—as they share their stories about what brought them to the Dartmouth community and why they wanted to pursue a career in medicine.
Road to Geisel: Class of ’21
Meet some of the members of the Geisel School of Medicine’s Class of 2021—Shuaibu Ali, Sylvia Guerra, and Meredith Ryan—as they share their stories about what brought them to the Dartmouth community and why they wanted to pursue a career in medicine
Geisel Researchers to Receive $1 Million Award for Comparative Outcomes Research
A team of Geisel researchers will receive funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to design new methods for comparing the effectiveness of alternative therapies that can lead to improvements in practice and better outcomes for patients.