Results from a new study led by researchers at Geisel and presented this week at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago, showed that stem cell transplantation was beneficial to scleroderma patients who don’t respond to current immunosuppressive therapies.
Articles by: Timothy Dean
Virtual Reality Research Supports Expeditions in Antarctica, Future Explorations in Space
Researchers from Geisel and the Australian Antarctic Division are collaborating to understand how virtual reality can help expeditioners, and in the future, astronauts, cope with their isolated, confined, and extreme environments.
Dartmouth Researchers Discover That Fruit Fly Species Use Social Learning to Protect Offspring
A new study by Geisel researchers, which appears in the journal PLOS Genetics, reveals that fruit flies are capable of learning the dialects of other fly species through communal living. Lead author Balint Kacsoh describes how fruit flies use a complex set of cues to warn one another about the threat of predatory wasps.
Alfredo Tirado-Ramos to Lead Biomedical and Translational Informatics For Geisel and Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Distinguished computational scientist and informatics expert Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, PhD, has joined the Dartmouth community to lead biomedical and translational informatics programs for the Geisel School of Medicine and the Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) health system.
Geisel Researchers to Receive $5.3 Million Award to Study Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders in Pregnant Women
A research team at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine has been approved for a $5.3 million funding award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)—to conduct comparative clinical effectiveness research on medication-assisted treatment for pregnant women with opioid use disorders.
Geisel Class of 2020 Celebrates Transition to Clinical Years
On Saturday, April 21, 2018, the Geisel School of Medicine’s Class of 2020 reached an important milestone in their journey to becoming physicians when they joined faculty, family, and friends at Dartmouth-Hitchcock for Geisel’s annual Transition Ceremony.
Study Reveals that Bacteria Use “Memory” to Form Biofilms
In a compelling new study, an international team of researchers—including Geisel’s George O’Toole, PhD—has discovered that bacteria use multigenerational “memory” to successfully form biofilm communities.
Shedding New Light on Cell Sizing and Division
A study by a team of researchers at Geisel School of Medicine, featured in the Journal of Cell Biology, is revealing new details about cell cycle progression. Lead author James Moseley, PhD, describes how his team was able to track an elusive protein called Wee1 at the cell surface, and determine how it helps to regulate cell size and division.
Student Spotlight: Lindsay Holdcroft ’21—Giving Back
First-year Geisel student Lindsay Holdcroft has been coaching youth girls’ hockey since finishing her career as a standout goalie for the Big Green in 2014. “It’s been a lot of fun teaching them skills and seeing them improve, and it’s been rewarding to see them develop and gain confidence in themselves, both on and off the ice,” she says.
Geisel Renews Partnership Agreement with Peruvian Hospital
Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine recently renewed its partnership agreement with Hospital Cayetano Heredia—a public university hospital in Lima, Peru, which serves as a national reference hospital in the country and is one of the leading clinical teaching and research institutions in Peru.