Articles by: Susan Green

A Bridge to Primary Care for Rural Patients

A Bridge to Primary Care for Rural Patients

Partnering with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Upper Valley Ambulance, second-year Geisel medical students Nick Valentini ’20 and Karissa LeClair ’20, created a novel solution to meeting the healthcare needs of rural patients.

Empowering Communities Through Photography

Empowering Communities Through Photography

By putting cameras in the hands of people of all ages to share their point of view—a process called photovoice—Geisel researcher Anna M. Adachi-Mejia, PhD TDI ’02 seeks to understand how a rural community’s infrastructure contributes to health behaviors.

Patrick Tolosky '21 hiking in the mountains near Sacramento, California.

Patrick Tolosky ’21: Simple Pleasures

First-year Geisel medical student Patrick Tolosky believes empowerment through health and wellbeing can be an effective avenue toward breaking the cycle of poverty—it’s why he wants to become a physician.

Bill Eidtson, EdD, Geisel’s director of learning support and accessibility services. (photo by Jon Gilbert Fox)

Bill Eidtson: Informal Modes of Education

When Bill Eidtson, Geisel’s director of learning support and accessibility services, talks about his interest in education, the conversation is punctuated with lively observations on educational technology and satire, which on the surface appear to be unrelated. However, he believes they can help people develop critical thinking skills.