Articles by: Geisel Communications

Spinella Wins Upper Valley Brain Bee

Herald of Randolph – Coverage of the second annual Upper Valley Brain Bee that took place Saturday at Dartmouth. The competition was hosted by The Neuroscience Center at Dartmouth and the Society for Neuroscience, New Hampshire Chapter. It pitted local high school students against each other as they answered questions about the human brain.

Tweens Who Play Sports Less Likely to Smoke: Study

HealthDay News via U.S. News & World Report – Continued coverage of a Dartmouth study led by Anna M. Adachi-Mejia, assistant professor of pediatrics, assistant professor of TDI, and a researcher at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, that found preadolescents between ages 10 and 14 are less likely to try smoking if they participate in a coached team sport at least a few times a week.

Lung Cancer Screening Could Cost Medicare Billions

Associated Press via NPR – Quotes Harold Sox, active emeritus professor of medicine and of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, on a new study that found every person covered by Medicare would only need to pay an additional $3 a month if the government agreed to screen current and former smokers for lung cancer, the Associated Press reports. Sox was not involved in the study.