Weakened by the crushing weight of burnout, first-year pediatrics resident and Geisel graduate Molly Taylor must find a way to get back to what drew her to medicine. In this essay, Taylor shares how swapping stories with a teenage patient brought light to a backbreaking day.
Articles by: Geisel Communications
Medicare Advantage Billing Errors Cost Taxpayers Billions
NBCNews – Dr. David Wennberg, a Dartmouth Institute researcher who has studied the payment issue, said that with billions of tax dollars at stake federal officials need to hit the “reset button” on risk scoring. Wennberg said Medicare Advantage “is a very large program with lots of money flowing through it. There are always vested interests in protecting the status quo.”
BRCA Gene Can Be a Cancer Triple Whammy, Study Finds
TIME – An extensive story on a Geisel study that discovered that a version of the BRCA2 gene, which increases risks of breast and ovarian cancer, may increase the risk of lung cancer as well.
Former Medicare Chief Says the Upper Valley Can Be Health Care Model
Valley News – In a recent speech on health care reform, Don Berwick, founder of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, touted the reform efforts of Dartmouth and its affiliates and encouraged the audience to embrace such efforts locally.
Should a Mental Illness Mean You Lose Your Kid?
ProPublica & The Daily Beast – Joanne Nicholson, professor of psychiatry at Geisel and at the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center (PRC), is quoted extensively in this piece on whether it’s ethical for parents with mental illnesses to lose custody of their children.
O’Donnell Appointed to DeCamp McInerny Professorship
Joseph O’Donnell, MD, a professor of medicine and of psychiatry and the senior advising dean, has been appointed to the Elizabeth DeCamp McInerny Professorship at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.
Geisel Gives Back – Vision Screening Program
Geisel medical students Andrew Siedlecki and Evelyn Bae talk about the student-created Vision Screening Program at the Good Neighbor Health Clinic.
More Ticks Means More Concern About Lyme Disease
NHPR – Elizabeth Talbot, an associate professor of medicine at Geisel, was a guest on NHPR’s The Exchange to discuss the rise of Lyme Disease cases.
With Special Clinics, Hospitals Vie for Hesitant Patients: Men
The New York Times – Steven Woloshin, professor of medicine and of community and family medicine and co-director of TDI’s Medicine in the Media Program, was interviewed by the Times to discuss his research on low testosterone, or “low T.” Woloshin says low T therapy is “the mother of all disease mongering.”
Of Mice and (Wo)men
Al Jazeera America – In this op-ed, Leslie Henderson, a professor of physiology and of biochemistry, and senior associate dean for faculty affairs, explains why the National Institutes of Health’s recent announcement that animal testing will now include female animals is so important for women’s health.