Contacts and Resources

Office of the Dean
UME Affairs

  •  Sonia Nagy Chimienti, MD, Dean for Educational Affairs
  • Julie Scott Taylor, MD, MSc, Associate Dean for Medical Education
  • Tara K. Cunningham, Ed.D., M.S., Associate Dean for Student Life
  • Virginia Lyons, PhD, Associate Dean for Preclinical Education
  • John F. Dick, III, MD, Assistant Dean for Clinical Skills Excellence
  • Leah Matthew, M.D., Assistant Dean for Core Clinical Curriculum (Phase 2)
  • L. Campbell Levy, M.D., Assistant Dean for Advanced Clinical Curriculum (Phase 3)

Office of Student Life

Geisel on Call 2024-2025

Office for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement (DICE)

Office of Preclinical Education

Office of Clinical Education

Office of the Registrar

Educational Resources
Biomedical Libraries 
Education Services 

Student Financial Aid / Counseling

Medical Student Coaching

Wellness Program
Student Needs and Assistance Program (SNAP)
Connections site

Career Advising
AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM)
Medical Student Advising 

Student Health and Personal Counseling

Information Technology
Geisel ITS
Dartmouth ITS

DACA Resources at Dartmouth

Geisel Facilities - 603-650–1713

Alumni Relations

Fiscal Office

DHMC Medical Center
• DHMC Security – 603-650-7896
• DHMC Main Number – 603-650-5000

VA Hospital (WRJ, VT)

General Contacts and Resources:
Campus Transportation Services (Parking)
Campus Security
Campus Security - 603-646-3333 (emergency) or dial 911 (for local Police/Ambulance)

Hanover Campus:
Please note that community members can depress any red button on any blue light emergency outdoor telephone on campus and be directly connected to Campus Security for emergency assistance.

The Escort Service (646-4000) is for lone men or women, from dark to dawn, walking within campus. However, there are two blue light telephones in the A-lot and in River lot that can be used for this service (by pressing the red button), as well.