"Never doubt that a small group of dedicated individuals can change the world...
...indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead
The Geisel Community Service Committee (CSC) sponsors various student-run community service programs and provides a link between Geisel students and surrounding community organizations. The CSC both helps lead annual service commitments while also promoting a space for various individuals and community members to pitch and execute new ideas for service projects and collaborations.
We hope that service experiences become an integral part of every Geisel student’s time in the Upper Valley. Not only as a matter of actions but as a matter of questioning and learning from each other and, more importantly, listening to those who have actually dedicated their entire lives committed to serving their own local communities. This requires developing levels of humility and self-awareness that will critically serve us as we aspire to become future physicians in communities we deeply care about and hope to collaborate with community members in all fields and facets of life with a shared goal of working towards living in a better society. The CSC and the many student-run community service programs it helps fund (which you can read more about below) hope to bring students into contact with the kind of meaningful experiences that inspire a more just and kind way of thinking and living.
In that spirit, we'd like to encourage everyone to find some way to get involved during their time at Geisel. We're challenging you to look around, read up on local community organizations, find something you're interested in, or start your own project. We're here to support you in any way we can, so don't hesitate to drop us a line at any time!
We look forward to working with you, and we'd love to hear about your experiences.
Please reach out to Community Service Co-Chairs, Ernie Tao and Khaqan Ahmad, or email us any time at Geisel.community.service@dartmouth.edu.
Guidelines for Funding Requests
Community Service Committee Funding Request
- Active for Life
- Claremont Soup Kitchen
- Cooking for Life
- Dartmouth EARS
- David's House
- The Dermatones
- Diabetes Clinic
- Flu Clinics
- Good Neighbor Health Clinic
- The Haven
- Lifelines
- Mascoma Clinic
- Memory Cafe
- Migrant Health Program
- Opportunities Database (Authentication required.)
- Physicians for Human Rights
- Rural Health Scholars
- Student Needs and Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Urban Health Scholars
- GNHC Vision Screening Clinic
- Upper Valley Human Rights Clinic