Hello Geisel community! My name is Michael Koo, and I will be serving as your student body president for the 2024-2025 academic year. I’m honored to have been elected by the student body, a powerful community of individuals who have shown me time and time again that they are greater than the sum of their parts and can truly create change with passion. I’m excited for the opportunity to lead and personally want to make sure I help every member of our student leadership team facilitate improvements for everyone.
Our primary goal every year is to enhance student engagement so that our voices are integrated into all issues impacting the student body, including changes to grading policies and curriculum, improvements in diversity/equity/inclusion, professional development opportunities, and wellness initiatives. By including our student voice, we can create a stronger experience for us all.
Secondly, this year we want to have a unique focus on career development to help improve students' access to the faculty and mentorship they need to successfully apply and match into residency. There are many new resources, mentors, and processes that have been developed on this front, and we want to make sure that students can effectively engage with them.
Finally, this is a year of major transition for Geisel that will oversee the final touches on a significant leadership restructuring that many have put a lot of work into. We want to make sure that all the new faculty are welcomed with open arms and that their unique ideas, perspectives, and leadership have the chance to add to the student experience.
We, the student government, are here for you. Whether it is an interest you want to share with others, advice on navigating the school, or even just a friendly face, please reach out! Every member of the executive board shares a love for helping other students, and we are ready to assist with what you need. I believe that we can achieve many wins this year together, and I can’t wait to see what everyone accomplishes.