To access the forms below, you must be logged in to your Dartmouth Google account.
Applying for Funding
Joseph O'Donnell Fund (apply here): The Joseph O'Donnell, MD '71 Fund is designed to provide support for Geisel School of Medicine student projects and initiatives that promote wellness, compassion, and service. This fund is jointly managed by Geisel Student Affairs and Geisel Student Government.
Check out this resource to help navigate the process: Guide to Applying for Joe O'Donnell Funding
Please contact Chairs of Wellness (Carly Ratekin and Vincent Busque) with any questions or concerns.
Fran Field Fund (apply here): The Fran Field Fund supports community-oriented and community-based education at Geisel. This fund is jointly managed by Geisel Student Affairs and Geisel Student Government. Please contact the Chair of Service (Alex Walkon) with any questions or concerns.
Student Government Discretionary Fund (apply here): The Student Government Discretionary Fund supports student projects and activities. This fund is managed by Geisel Student Government. Please contact President (Michael Koo) or Treasurer (Charles Maguire) with any questions or concerns
Conference Funding (apply here via Office of Medical Student Research): Individual students and groups may apply for conference funding through The Office of Medical Student Research.
Submitting Reimbursements
Below describes the process for submitting reimbursements for approved expenditures from Student Government. Please read the instructions carefully as it will help smoothly process your reimbursements. For Steps 2 and 3 below, please refer to the following attachments:
Guide to Submitting Student Reimbursements
Example Reimbursement Submission
Reimbursement Screen at a Glance
Note: This is a new system to process reimbursements as of November 15th, 2023. Please reach out to the treasurer Charles Maguire if you have a pending submission from prior to this date or with any questions.
- Step 1: Please fill out the Online Reimbursement Request Form for approved expenditures. This form is necessary as Student Affairs will not approve any reimbursements until the Executive Board approves it as well.
- For ALL Co-Curricular Group spending and Discretionary Fund spending, approval must be given from the President.
- For school-wide events, approval must be given from the appropriate chair (e.g. Social, Wellness, DICE, Service, Professional Development, etc).
- For class or program-specific events, approval must be given by the appropriate Class or Dual-Degree Representatives.
- Step 2: Go to this link and select "Payment Request" (It will require single sign-on Web authentication)
- For “Who are you paying” – select Dartmouth Student
- For “What type of payment” – select Travel/Business expense
- Step 3: Fill out the Payment Request, here are the specific parts each reimbursement must fill out (please pay special attending to the bolded sections as they are especially critical to get accurately)
- For “Finance Center” – select Geisel Finance Center
- For “Invoice Date” – select the date the receipt was from
- For “Legal Payee Name” – type in your last name and your name should pop up
- You may have multiple entrees under your name (Norwich, Hinman box, etc). These correspond to where you want your check to be sent, select the local option.
- For “Business Purpose” – write a quick description of what the reimbursement is for
- For “Payment Type” – select Travel/Business Expense
- For “Payment Amount” – input the amount on the receipt
- For “I have expenses to report that are for (select all that apply)” – Click “Non-Travel”
- For “Chart Type” – select GL string
- For the “Chart String” - input the following based on which fund you applied to
Discretionary Fund or General Student Government 30.207.283012.740150.0000 Joe O'Donnell Fund 30.207.768569.740000.0000 Fran Field Fund 30.207.761563.111550.0000 - For the “Natural Class” – please refer to the “Example Reimbursement Submission” to see how to fill it out.
- SG 2023-2024 Bylaws (last updated 8/8/2023)
Meeting Minutes