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Emergency Numbers (Numbers also listed below)

Medical students are subject to the same illnesses as the general population. They may become impaired, for example as a result of substance abuse or emotional difficulties, and thus unable to perform their duties as a medical professional.

While most individuals who experience personal difficulties seek out solutions or professional help on their own, there are some who will not seek help even when it is in their own best interest and even though they may be endangering themselves and/or their patients.

In order to handle such situations, Geisel School of Medicine has established the Student Needs and Assistance Program (SNAP). The purpose of this Committee is to help with problematic situations that arise with students and to organize educational programs around issues of impairment.

The SNAP committee consists of two student representatives per class and up to two faculty advisors.

Who are the SNAP reps?

SNAP reps can be found on the Student Government page.

Dr. Regan Stanger is the medical faculty SNAP advisor.

  • Students serve for the duration of their education at Geisel School of Medicine. The Second-Year representatives assume responsibility for the First-Year Class until the First-Year elections take place after the fall term.
  • The faculty advisor is an individual who is knowledgeable about substance abuse and mental health issues and is appointed by the Dean.

How do I contact SNAP?

  • You may contact SNAP by going directly to any of the SNAP reps in-person. You can also email SNAP reps and/or attend open office hours they may hold.

Policies and Procedures

  • Any person who has just cause for suspecting that a medical student may be impaired, or who would like to anonymously discuss a situation of possible impairment, can and should enlist the assistance of a member of the Committee.
  • The initial contacted Committee member may notify other members of the group and/or a faculty advisor to discuss the case and to determine what action needs to be taken.
  • Possible actions include but are not limited to meeting with the student in question, providing informal support, and assisting that individual with getting formal treatment by an appropriate professional.
  • Every attempt is made to keep all information gathered by the committee confidential but there are circumstances that may by law or College policy require reporting to another body.
  • Members of the SNAP committee do not provide formal treatment and do not keep formal records.
  • They may monitor recommended treatment if needed and in some cases non-compliance with this treatment can lead to communication with one of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.
  • Most often, when the impaired student cooperates with the directives of the Committee no such reporting is required.
  • If a situation involves a graduating student, the Committee may report a "continuing" case to an appropriate monitoring body (state medical societies, impaired physician's committee of the hospital where the student intends to practice, etc.).

Resources and Links

The following resource list and links to other websites are not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a starting point for information.

Dick’s House Counseling Services

Counseling and Human Development at Dick's House (603-650-1442)

The Counseling Center adheres to a short-term therapy model with the focus on helping students resolve or manage specific concerns. Since challenges vary from student to student, the length of short-term therapy also varies; it is based on goals set by the counselor and student, as well as an ongoing clinical assessment of the effectiveness of treatment. If students’ goals do not fit within a short-term model, or, if their treatment goals are not sufficiently managed in a short-term model, they can work with a counselor to get a community referral for treatment.

Geisel Counseling:

To make an appointment please call the dedicated Geisel line at Counseling Associates: 603-653-0045 or use this Geisel Counseling Access Form.

  • Counselors will respond within 24 hours to schedule an appointment
  • Geisel will cover all costs for these services for students. There will be no insurance billing.
  • Please visit the website for more information.

Community Mental Health Providers

Counseling Associates of Upper Valley works with medical students' schedules for counseling needs. Identify yourself as a Geisel student when calling for accessible appointments.

The online directory found at provides current listings for Psychiatrists, Psychologists and MSWs locally and nationwide. You can limit your search to show Cigna providers only if you are on the Dartmouth Student Group Health Insurance.

You can also review the Upper Valley Mental Health Resource Guide.


Counselor-on-Call (During fall, winter and spring terms): 603-646-9440

Counselor-on-Call (During summer term and breaks): 603-646-4000

Safety and Security 24-hours/day: 603-646-3333 (emergencies) or 603-646-4000

Inpatient Department: 603-646-9440

Sexual Abuse Awareness Program: 603-646-9414 (weekdays 8AM-5PM)

Dean-on-Call (S&S Dispatch): 603-646-3333

Hanover Police (emergency) or ambulance: 911

Hanover Police non-emergency: 603-643-2222

Dartmouth Hitchcock Emergency Room: 603-650-7000