Post Tagged with: "Center for Health Equity"

Attendees of the TB Symposium: Critical Updates in TB Care and Prevention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The symposium was a joint effort by Geisel’s DarDar programs and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, and Tanzania's National TB and Leprosy Programme and National AIDS Control Program.

Building Linkages to Combat Tuberculosis in Tanzania

Global health teams from Geisel and its partner organizations held a symposium in Dar es Salaam in December to provide critical updates in TB care, prevention, and research. The event was the latest step in their 17-year history of working collaboratively to combat HIV-related TB in Tanzania.

Geisel Renews Partnership Agreement with Peruvian Hospital

Geisel Renews Partnership Agreement with Peruvian Hospital

Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine recently renewed its partnership agreement with Hospital Cayetano Heredia—a public university hospital in Lima, Peru, which serves as a national reference hospital in the country and is one of the leading clinical teaching and research institutions in Peru.

Lisa Adams: Building Geisel’s Global Connections

Lisa Adams: Building Geisel’s Global Connections

As a field of study, global health didn’t exist when Lisa V. Adams, MD ’90, was a Dartmouth medical student. After finding her own path, she is now using her more than 20 years of global health experience to help students coordinate international service-learning experiences through Geisel School of Medicine’s Center for Health Equity.