In the News

Hooray! A Clearer Estimate of Your Risk for Death Is Around the Corner – MedPage Today

Read article – Quotes Steven Woloshin, MED ’96, a professor of the Dartmouth Institute, in an article about a study he co-authored that found that the National Cancer Institute’s Know Your Chances website, which can calculate an individual’s risk for death over the coming years, is about to get more accurate by including smoking history. Woloshin and co-authors, who were involved with the creation of the site, note that the National Cancer Institute is in the process of updating the website using a new model to create charts for current, former, and never smokers.

Dartmouth Launches Center for Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine – Health IT Analytics

Read article – Quotes President Philip J. Hanlon ’77; Saeed Hassanpour, CPHAI’s inaugural director and an associate professor of biomedical data science, epidemiology, and computer science; and Jocelyn Chertoff, chair and professor of radiology, in a feature on Dartmouth’s new Center for Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence. “What makes CPHAI unique is its interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach to precision health and artificial intelligence, focusing not only on technological advancements but also on ethical and societal implications,” Hassanpour said.

Informaticians Propose ‘Essential EHR Reforms for This Decade’ – Healthcare Innovation

Read article – Andrew Gettinger ’76, MED ’79, a professor emeritus of anesthesiology, is featured in an article about his recently published proposal for reforms in electronic health records. “Although addressing shortcomings in EHRs will not cure all that ails our current healthcare system, implementing these recommendations should positively affect patients and clinicians and move us toward the original vision of a patient-centered, technology-enhanced healthcare ecosystem that is designed to significantly improve outcomes at a lower cost, with more satisfied patients and clinicians,” Gettinger writes.

Efficacy of Remote Neuromodulation for Migraine Prevention: Stewart J. Tepper, MD (Video) – Neurology Live

Watch video – Features a presentation by Stewart J. Tepper, a professor of neurology, about recent advances in migraine therapeutics. “Another study that was presented at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting in Boston in April of 2023 was the pivotal study of the remote electrical neuromodulation device for the prevention of migraine,” Tepper said.

The Lessons of the War on COVID Mustn’t Be Forgotten as the U.S. Moves On From the Pandemic, Researchers Warn – Fortune

Read article – Kendall Hoyt, an assistant professor of medicine and faculty director of the Dickey Center Pandemic Security Project, writes an opinion piece about the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. “The U.S. must continue to invest in basic virology, immunology, and vaccinology for pathogens with pandemic potential,” Hoyt writes.