Al Jazeera America – Quotes Ellen Meara, associate professor of The Dartmouth Institute, on a study that found many Americans don’t understand President Obama’s health care law or how health insurance works. Meara was not involved in the study.
Articles by: Geisel Communications
Greenfield Surgeon Named Local Clinician of the Year
The Greenfield Recorder – Jeffrey Hayer ’75, Geisel ’78, an orthopedic surgeon in Greenfield, Mass., has been named a Community Clinician of the Year in Massachusetts by the Franklin Medical Society.
It’s a (Residency) Match!
At the much-anticipated annual Match Day event, 87 students at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine learned where they will pursue their next three to seven years of residency training after graduation. Nationally, more than 17,000 graduating U.S. allopathic medical school seniors and 16,000 others participated in this year’s match program.
Researchers Issue Update on Genetic-based Testing and Treatment for Breast Cancer
Dartmouth researchers at its Norris Cotton Cancer Center have compiled a review of the role that information gathered through genetic testing plays in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Dartmouth’s Geisel School to Conduct TB Vaccine Trial
New Hampshire Union Leader – Geisel has partnered with global nonprofit Aeras to conduct a trial of a new vaccine for tuberculosis (TB). Professor of Medicine Fordham von Reyn is quoted extensively.
Epigenetics: The Controversial Science Behind Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
National Journal – Quotes Carmen Marsit, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology and of community and family medicine, who says “People, particularly in America, may believe that famine exposure during pregnancy could do something harmful. But it is also possible that chronic stress or chemical exposure can also lead to effects, and that similar molecular mechanisms are at play. There’s really a lot of amazing research out there proving that.”
Dartmouth and Aeras Join Forces to Conduct Study of New Tuberculosis Vaccine
Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Aeras, a global nonprofit biotech, announced a collaboration to jointly conduct a trial of a new vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
In Healthcare, What Makes Maine Different?
Los Angeles Times – The Los Angeles Times reports that, in the 1970s, Jack Wennberg led a team of physicians in Maine who became the first in the country to examine health care variations across the region.
Exact Sciences’ Colon Cancer Test Done at Home Finds More Tumors
Bloomberg Businessweek – Quotes Douglas Robertson, associate professor of medicine and associate professor of The Dartmouth Institute, who wrote an editorial that accompanied a new study on screening methods for colon cancer.
DNA Test Detects Colon Cancer at Higher Rate, Study Finds
The Wall Street Journal – Quotes Douglas Robertson, associate professor of medicine and associate professor of The Dartmouth Institute, who wrote an editorial that accompanied a new study on screening methods for colon cancer.