Articles by: Derik Hertel

Dartmouth Institute Research Roundup 5.16

Dartmouth Institute Research Roundup 5.16

Learn about recent Dartmouth Institute research on ER visits for “non-urgent” conditions, physician knowledge of the FDA-approval process, the possible overuse of CT scans in the ER, patient recording of clinical encounters, and a more patient-centered approach to statistical modeling.

Testosterone Found to Boost Men’s Libido, but Experts Question How Sexual Function Is Scored – STAT

Read Article – Quotes Lisa Schwartz and Steven Woloshin, both professors of medicine, community and family medicine, and of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, about a recent study conducted on the effects of AndroGel, a testosterone treatment for men. “The effects on sexual function, mood, and depression are very small,” says Woloshin. “I’m not sure how meaningful they actually were.”

Most Popular Stories of 2015

Most Popular Stories of 2015

As 2015 draws to a close, we’d like to share with you some of the most popular stories on Geisel NewsCenter this year. From the Geisel Communications team, Happy Holidays and have a safe and Happy New Year!

Young E-cigarette Users Often Switch to Tobacco Smoking, Study Finds (Audio)

VPR – Continued coverage on comments by Samir Soneji on the study that found young people who use e-cigarettes are very likely to move on to smoking real tobacco products. Soneji speculates that e-cigarettes, which deliver nicotine slowly, tempt novices to try it in a user-friendly form. “So a 17-year old kid who has never used cigarettes before might use e-cigarettes and it might allow him to become more tolerant of the side effects of nicotine using e-cigarettes and then unfortunately if addiction happens he might switch to traditional cigarettes,” says Soneji.