Michael Gleeson MD-PhD ’10, once disabled by reactive arthritis, regained his health with the right medical care and the help of his wife, Kirsten. His experience inspired him to become a physician-researcher.
Articles by: Jennifer Durgin
Understanding Scleroderma’s ‘Social Network’ May Lead to New Treatments
With funding from the Falk Foundation, Mike Whitfield’s lab is mapping which genes interact with each other in the debilitating disease scleroderma. Their discoveries reveal new avenues for treatment.
Inaugural Munck-Pfefferkorn Grants Bring Research Closer to the Marketplace and Helping Patients
The Geisel School of Medicine has announced the inaugural recipients of the annual Munck-Pfefferkorn Awards. Named in honor of two luminaries from the medical school, the endowed award funds new biomedical research projects at Geisel that have high potential to benefit patients and to generate future revenue through grants or entrepreneurial endeavors.
Anonymous Gifts Totaling $15 million Fuel Cystic Fibrosis Research at Geisel
A $10 million gift from an anonymous donor combined with a $5 million matching gift, also anonymous, will accelerate research aimed at finding better treatments and ultimately a cure for cystic fibrosis at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.
MD-PhD Student Cynthia Hahn Named 2015-16 Syvertsen Fellow
Cynthia Hahn has been named this year’s Rolf C. Syvertsen Fellow. Earlier this month, Hahn and five of her classmates were chosen as the 2015-16 Syvertsen Scholars. These merit awards honor the memory of Dr. Rolf C. Syvertsen, a former professor of anatomy, long-time dean, and beloved mentor to Dartmouth medical students from 1923 to 1960.
Underwriting Ethics, the Foundation of Health Care
Dr. Bill Nelson is passionate about teaching ethics to medical students and has made a gift to help ensure that such teaching has enduring support at the Geisel School of Medicine.
Awards Celebrate Alumni’s Contributions to Medicine and to the Geisel Community
At the 2nd Annual Geisel School of Medicine Alumni Awards ceremony on Nov. 6, eight alumni were honored for their transformative contributions to medicine and public health, as well as their service to the medical school.
Mary Kay Foundation Grant Fights Breast Cancer Sleeper Cells
Thanks to a $100,000, two-year grant from the Mary Kay Foundation, Geisel researchers are launching a study to identify the biological mechanisms that allow clinically dormant ER+ breast cancer cells to survive anti-estrogen therapy.
$2.5 million Burroughs Wellcome Fund Grant Promotes Cross-Discipline Communication
A grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund will help facilitate stronger collaborations between computational scientists and biomedical researchers in order to maximize the potential of big data to improve human health.
The Williamson Translational Research Building Takes Shape
Scheduled to be completed in the late summer of 2015, the Geisel School of Medicine’s Williamson Translational Research Building will accelerate the movement of discoveries from research labs into patient care. Check out this photo gallery to see how the building is taking shape.