Bonny Whalen, MD, Steve Chapman, MD, Alison Holmes, MD, MPH, Julia Frew, MD (MED ’05), and Daisy Goodman, DNP, MPH (TDI '14), received the Academic Pediatric Association's (APA) Health Care Delivery award for their work with mothers and newborns with opioid dependence. The Center for Addiction Recovery in Pregnancy and Parenting (CARRP) is a multidisciplinary network of experienced clinicians and researchers working together to support recovery from addiction for women who are pregnant and parenting, and to promote healthy growth and development in their children.
Drs. Chapman, Holmes, and Whalen, on behalf of CARRP, formally accepted the award for their “… novel work over the past few years which has been focused on improving care for one of the most vulnerable pediatric populations—opioid-exposed newborns," during the 2019 Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting in Baltimore, MD.
The Health Care Delivery award acknowledges innovative and effective programs that provide healthcare in the context of a teaching setting involving medical students and/or residents. The APA supports the academic success and career development of child health professionals engaged in research, advocacy, improvement science, and educational scholarship to enhance the health and well-being of all children.