Archive for 2014

The teaching hospital in Kigali, Rwanda, where Steven Bensen helped to train physicians in gastroenterology.

Finding Inspiration in Rwanda

Steve Bensen, an associate professor of medicine, had long wanted to get involved in global health work. He recently got his chance when he spent two months helping to train physicians and residents at two hospitals in Rwanda.

Ebola Unlikely in U.S., but Preparations Underway

VPR – Associate Professor of Medicine Tim Lahey is interviewed discussing the recent Ebola virus outbreak. “There’s almost no chance that even nurses and doctors in the United States could get this. And the reason for that is that among the roughly 2,000 people that have Ebola virus disease, very, very few of them can get on a plane and come to one of the developing world countries,” he says.

Road To Geisel – Andrew Huang

Road To Geisel – Andrew Huang

In this video, first-year medical student Andrew Huang talks about how the combination of a small-class size, a strong sense of community, and the ability to complete rotations at diverse teaching hospitals is what attracted him to Geisel.

Health Headlines: Painkillers Making People Too Disabled to Work?

Bay News 9 – According to a new study by The Dartmouth Institute, which examined over 9 million prescription records of people receiving benefits because they’re too disabled to work, “Roughly 4 million Americans too disabled to work are prescribed heavy-duty painkillers, such as OxyContin, Vicodin, codeine and morphine”. “Almost half — over 40 percent — filled a prescription for opiates in a year, and one in five was filling six or more prescriptions per year,” says Associate Professor of TDI Ellen Meara.

Speeding Up the Fight Against Ebola

Boston Globe – Assistant Professor at Geisel Kendal Hoyt is interviewed on the rising costs of producing vaccines. According to Hoyt, “The time and cost of creating vaccines has steadily increased over the past 40 years, from an average of $199 million and six years to make it to market in the 1970s, to $1.5 billion and more than 13 years today.”

Millions With Disabilities Get Heavy-duty Painkillers in Potentially Fatal Doses

Detroit Free Press – Features a new Dartmouth study that examined the painkillers prescribed to Americans who are too disabled to work. “Almost half – over 40% – filled a prescription for opiates in a year and one in five was filling six or more prescriptions per year,” says Ellen Meara, an associate professor of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.