A Dartmouth-led study found that social media big data can be used to understand communication and behavioral patterns related to prescription drug abuse.
Post Tagged with: "drug abuse"
Student Spotlight—Louisa Chen ’20: Acting on Principle
Motivated by the injustice of the social and health disparities she witnessed while growing up, Louisa Chen ’20 is determined to provide care to these vulnerable populations.
Capturing Cocaine Use in Real Time
Geisel professor Lisa Marsch is leading a project with colleagues from across the U.S. to develop and test a smart watch able to detect cocaine use, in real time, by capturing heart rate data.
The Heroin Crisis: New Approaches to Addiction Prevention
NHPR – As a guest on “The Exchange,” Seddon Savage ’80, adjunct associate professor of anesthesiology, discusses the heroin epidemic in the Granite State with a focus on prevention.
High Prevalence of Opioid Use by Social Security Disability Recipients
More than 40 percent of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients take opioid pain relievers, while the prevalence of chronic opioid use is over 20 percent and rising, reports a study in the September issue of Medical Care.