Post Tagged with: "cancer"

Dartmouth Institute researchers and physicians  Steven Woloshin and Lisa Schwartz. (photo by Dartmouth-Hitchcock)

Giving Context to Cancer Risk

In an effort to give the public a more broad-based view of cancer risk, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) collaborated with Dartmouth Institute researchers and physicians Lisa Schwartz and Steven Woloshin to create the “Know Your Chances” website.

Screening Mammograms Don’t Prevent Breast Cancer Deaths, Study Finds

Los Angeles Times – Additional coverage on a study by researchers from the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice at Geisel and Harvard, which found that mammogram screening tests aren’t working as hoped. Instead of preventing deaths by uncovering breast tumors at an early, more curable stage, screening mammograms have mainly found small tumors that would have been harmless if left alone.

Hidden Dangers of Smoking on Hookahs

The Post and Courier – Cites a recent Geisel School of Medicine study, which surveyed 1,050 young smokers, age 15-23, and found that within two years, 39 percent who had smoked a hookah had graduated to cigarettes. The study notes that the young and impressionable get hooked at a more than 30 percent rate.