A Dartmouth-led study found that social media big data can be used to understand communication and behavioral patterns related to prescription drug abuse.
Post Tagged with: "big data"
Award-Winning Scientist to Be First Faculty Cluster Chair
Award-winning scientist Rahul Sarpeshkar has been named the inaugural Thomas E. Kurtz Chair in the William H. Neukom Academic Cluster in Computational Science.
Google-style Ranking Used to Describe Gene Connectivity
Using the technique known as “Gene Rank”, Dartmouth investigator Eugene Demidenko, PhD, captured and described a new characterization of gene connectivity in “Microarray Enriched Gene Rank,” published in BioData Mining. The effective computer algorithm can be used to compare tissues across or within organisms at great speed with a simple laptop computer.
$2.5 million Burroughs Wellcome Fund Grant Promotes Cross-Discipline Communication
A grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund will help facilitate stronger collaborations between computational scientists and biomedical researchers in order to maximize the potential of big data to improve human health.
Geisel Researcher Receives Data-Driven Discovery Grant from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Casey Greene, PhD, an assistant professor of genetics at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, has been selected for a highly competitive award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to support his work to bring the power of big data into the biology lab.