Lin Deng, a graduate student in Biochemistry, is a recipient of the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad, which recognizes the academic accomplishments of Chinese students studying overseas.
Latest News
Early Use of Palliative Care in Cancer Improves Patients’ Lives, Outcomes for Caregivers
A new randomized clinical trial with Dartmouth investigators has noted significant improvement in several measures among those who began palliative care early.
Student Profile – Ryan Olavarria: Health Crusader
First-year Geisel medical student Ryan Olavarria is dedicated to showing people that small behavioral changes leading to better health are easy to make.
Shining a Bright Light on the Care of Sick Babies
A three-year, $800,000 grant from the Anthem Foundation to The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice will fund the first comprehensive, nationwide study of neonatal intensive care.
Match Day 2015: Whitney Hitchcock and Chris Beeler
Though Match Day’s results are unpredictable, matching as a couple adds an entirely new layer of uncertainty to the process. Watch this video to learn how Geisel medical students and couple Whitney Hitchcock and Chris Beeler found ways to cope with the stress of medical school and Match Day.
Samir Soneji: Forecasting Population Health
In this Q&A, TDI demographer Samir Soneji, PhD discusses how demographers are able to predict how changes in population affect public policy by forecasting future disease and mortality rates.
Investigators Discover Mechanism Responsible for Tumor Invasion in Brain Cancer
A neuro-oncology research team at Dartmouth’s Norris Cotton Cancer Center, led by the Director Mark A. Israel, MD with first author Gilbert J. Rahme, PhD, recently identified the transcription factor Id4 as a suppressor of tumor cell invasion in glioblastoma.
Match Day 2015: Jessica and David Fried
Stress caused by Match Day is bad enough for most graduating medical students but for students who are trying to match as a couple, the anxiety and joy of Match Day can be overwhelming. Watch this video to find out if Geisel students and married couple Jessica and David Fried got a match made in heaven.
Match Day 2015: Mildred Lopez Pineiro
Fourth-year medical student Mildred Lopez Pineiro was anxious for the arrival of Match Day and to learn where she’d start her residency training, but the support of Geisel’s close-knit community helped to make the day less-nerve wracking.
Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth Redesignated As NCI “Comprehensive Cancer Center”
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has renewed its Cancer Center Support Grant to Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) at Dartmouth, continuing NCCC’s designation as a Comprehensive Cancer Center.