In the News

Dartmouth Study: Tweens in Coached Sports Less Likely to Smoke

New Hampshire Union Leader– A story on a Dartmouth study led by Anna M. Adachi-Mejia, assistant professor of pediatrics, assistant professor of TDI, and a researcher at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center, that found preadolescents between ages 10 and 14 are less likely to try smoking if they participate in a coached team sport at least a few times a week.

Anti-Smoking TV Ads Using Anger More Persuasive to Viewers

Business Standard– Researchers have said anti-smoking television advertisements that appeal to viewers’ emotions are more persuasive when they use anger rather than sadness. In the new study, researchers from Dartmouth College’s Geisel School of Medicine and Cornell University examined how viewers process those negative emotions.

New Numbers & Research On Autism

NHPR – Stephen Mott, assistant professor of pediatrics and of neurology, and medical director of the Child Development Center at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth, was a guest on NHPR’s The Exchange to discuss autism and a report from the Centers for Disease and Control that reveals the disease is increasing at high rates.

How Many Middle-Aged Men Need HRT?

BBC – This extensive story on the marketing of treatment for low testosterone, or “Low T” discusses research by Lisa Schwartz on the topic. Schwartz, a professor of medicine, of community and family medicine, and of TDI, is quoted extensively in the story and asks, “The question is, is there really any problem here to be treated?”

Dartmouth Researchers: Anxiety Over False-Positive Mammogram is Temporary

New Hampshire Union Leader– Continued coverage of a study led by Anna Tosteson that found false-positive mammograms cause increased anxiety, but it doesn’t necessarily affect women’s health. Tosteson, who was interviewed for the story, is a professor of medicine, of community and family medicine, of TDI, and is the James J. Carroll Professor of Oncology at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and the Geisel School of Medicine.