In the News

U.S. Should Have Attacked COVID Like a Foreign Invasion, Experts Say. Have We Learned Any Lessons? – USA Today

Read article – Kendall Hoyt, a senior lecturer of engineering and assistant professor of medicine, is listed as one of the authors of the new book Lessons From the COVID War. In the book, Hoyt and over 30 other experts from the worlds of policy, public health, science, biodefense, and patient advocacy examine how the U.S. lost the pandemic war. (Picked up by MSN.)

The Great Resignation: Survival Strategies for Pediatric Practice – Contemporary Pediatrics

Read article – Andrew Schuman, a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics, writes a column about navigating pediatric practice through staffing shortages and increased workloads. “We need to reinvent our practices and create a better medical home for our patients,” Schuman said. “For many providers, this is long overdue and should be seen as an opportunity rather than a hardship.”

Surveillance Colonoscopy ‘May Be Overutilized’ in Older Adults With Lower Life Expectancy – Healio

Read article – Audrey Calderwood, an associate professor of medicine and of the Dartmouth Institute, is featured in an article about surveillance colonoscopies. “We have observed in clinical care that colonoscopy for monitoring in patients with a history of colon polyps is sometimes performed when people are of advanced age and/or when people may not be in the best health due to other medical problems or have competing health priorities,” Calderwood said.

Marriage, Children Tied to Earnings Penalty for Female Physicians – HealthDay News

Read article – Features research by Lucy Skinner, MED ’21, ’23, in an article about pay differences for female and male physicians. “Addressing the barriers that lead to women working fewer hours could contribute to a reduction in the male-female earnings gap while helping to expand the effective physician workforce,” Skinner said. (Picked up by Southwest Iowa Herald.)